Edward Tse's Blog

APRIL 15,2021articles

【Quote of Today】April 15th

“I would compare the new auto landscape in China with the Warring States period in the Chinese history. A multitude of players each looking out to increase its influence and dominance over others. As such, a burst of new strategies, most notably the notion of “vertical and horizontal alliances” (合纵连橫 )emerged and was widely practiced. It was also a period of profilc thought leadership on different ideas and philosophies, laying the thought foundation for China for many millennia to come.

Collaborations and competition in an intensively disruptive environment on top of the world’s largest platform, aided by a highly effective governance model. The conditions for an outburst of more innovations, corporate formations and new basis of competitive advantages are in place.”

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Founder & CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company, a global strategy and management consulting firm with roots in China. —learn more

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