Edward Tse's Blog

January 11, 2017conference

Dr. Edward Tse spoke at CXO Roundtable on Smart Manufacturing

On November 29th, Gao Feng’s CEO, Dr. Edward Tse, was invited to give the opening speech at CXO Roundtable which is organized by Tech Mahindra along with GE on Smart Manufacturing for Automotive and Discrete Manufacturing Industries .

The moderator of the meeting was Dr. Edward Tse. An ICT industry veteran, Mr. Manoj Chugh, President- Enterprise Business, Tech Mahindra shared a keynote with the delegates. Mr. Aloke Palsikar, Sr. VP & Global Head, Tech Mahindra ardressed the topic- How Digital Tranformation is driving Smart Manufacturing.

The panel members were from a few of the leading companies like GE, VOLVO, FIAT, ZF and others.

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Founder & CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company, a global strategy and management consulting firm with roots in China. —learn more

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