


【今日语录】November 22nd

As the China context continues to evolve, the profile of the foreigner in China will also evolve. Those who will contribute to and benefit from China’s development will be those who bring hard-core knowledge on science, technology and innovation. And China will offer the world’s leading laboratory for these people to make progress perhaps beyond what they could have in their home countries. It will create win-wins. These foreigners will be respected.











【Quote of Today】July 1st

“Some people call this approach a “Whole Nation Approach” (举国体制) that can mobilize resources across the entire country against a certain objective and purpose. It is based on a sense of pragmatic balance between a sense of collective responsibility and that of individualism on the part of all involved. While the state drives a sense of collective purpose and responsibility, through SOEs, it provides necessary public goods for citizens and businesses, entrepreneurs based on private initiatives are allowed and in fact encouraged to succeed against a certain state-driven rules-based order.

Some people attribute this to the historical heritage of China where the literate shared a sense of collective responsibility that comes from a lineage of vast and multiple strands of thought, mostly in the (Han-centric) Chinese civilization that later inter-mixed with imported thoughts from Buddhism. This coupled with the purpose and governance system of modern China has somehow created an inclusive culture that addresses both the collective interest as well as individual pursuits.

This has no doubt resulted in the massive and unprecedented intensity and pace of innovation and development, as well as resilience. Innovation has become an integral part of the Chinese culture…”





“从华为作为一家公司和任正非作为一领导人来看,在新时代格局中所需要的领导者并非如某些人所推崇的《君主论》中的马基雅维利,亦非另一些人所讲的温文儒雅的“好人”, 每件事都以“利他”为依归。






【Quote of Today】April 16th

China provides a massive platform for companies to innovate and compete. New and creative corporate relationships are being created for gaining new competitive advantages. Competition will breed the best and the best will become even better.

【Quote of Today】April 15th

“I would compare the new auto landscape in China with the Warring States period in the Chinese history. A multitude of players each looking out to increase its influence and dominance over others. As such, a burst of new strategies, most notably the notion of “vertical and horizontal alliances” (合纵连橫 )emerged and was widely practiced. It was also a period of profilc thought leadership on different ideas and philosophies, laying the thought foundation for China for many millennia to come.

Collaborations and competition in an intensively disruptive environment on top of the world’s largest platform, aided by a highly effective governance model. The conditions for an outburst of more innovations, corporate formations and new basis of competitive advantages are in place.”


高端战略咨询顾问的工作是为客户解决他们最棘手的问题。今天对企业影响最大的驱动因素不只是来自于它所处于的行业里,更重要的往往采自于行业之外,特别是地缘政治、国家政策、国家相对实力等方面。因此客户最需要的顾问是T 型或丌 型的顾问。不单有深度亦需要有广度。可惜大型咨询公司们老早就分开工去,把合伙人们按行业或功能分成不同的”小微”。专可能是专,但广往往不够。所以许多客户用完这些咨询公司往往有些失望,觉得他们不接地气。高端战略咨询的需求庞大,但供给倾出了问题。大数据是不能完全代替这种复杂的工作的。



【今日语录 】12月12日

许多人问我如何才能成为好的咨询顾问。他们期望我说:要聪明、有逻辑性、能分析等。一部分会期望我说要有团队精神。当然这些条件都是需要的,但它们只能是必要 (necessary) 却不是穷尽 (sufficient) 的原因。最关键的条件其实是责仼心。是对工作负责,定必要在计划内的时空里完成高质量的工作。责任心源自于同理心。更准确的说:对客户的同理心。客户交付了重任给你,你将客户的利益放在首位,自然同理心便会出现,责任感亦随之而来。


在高端咨询工作中,最过瘾的阶段是 problem definition。越复杂越不确定越好玩。因这个过程是要考功夫的,需要在貌似浑沌、无棱两可中找出套路来。咨询顾问开始时可能会不知所措、有所恐惧。但只要坚定的抓住重点,回归第一原则,有效利用适当分析框架来分析问题,仔细聆听客户和其他信息来源的输入,团队集体合作,众志成城,你会发觉在某一天某一时刻,你会茅塞顿开。你的 Eureka moment 便已到达!




许多人以为 “无限的游戏” 代表将业务边界无限引伸,亦即无序的多元化。其实 “有限的游戏” 是指在特定的时空里,界定好的游戏规则下进行竞争,首要的目标是要打败对手。”无限的游戏” 的时空却可特定或不特定、游戏规则可特定亦可不特定、边界可特定亦可不特定。目的不一定是要打败对手,更是要追求更高的理想,超越简单物理的目标。懂得怎样玩无限的游戏的企业领导者是真正的智者、艺术家。

【今日语录】 11月19日

真正优秀的咨询顾问是社会中精英的精英,是 1%。这1%代表能力、视野、学问和态度。但他却属于社会的99% 的。优秀顾问不能 “离地”。必须与社会融合,通过工作特别是思想领导力和对客户的亲和力,为 99% 增值。


出色的战略咨询顾问一定是思想领导者 (thought leaders)。 关键词是思想。思想是如何建立起来的?它是透过长时间对周围的事物作出观察、分析而出来的,没有任何捷径。通过第一原则的分析,了解事物的本质,而不人云亦云。同时透过适当的分析框架和架构将众多的信息点系统性地整合到面上,甚至立体或超立体。本来貌似无序的数据突然好像变成有序了。如果你能持续地做到这样,恭喜你!That’s thought leadership!




在高端咨询领域里,没有人从一开始就会知道问题的答案是什么。解决难题是一个过程,需要所有相关人士参与,包括咨询团队各员和客户。突破的想法往往都透过讨论而产生的结果。每个参与项目的团队成员都有责任和义务积极参于讨论,为寻找事实真相作出贡献。It’s our job!


【Quote of Today】September 26th



From fringe to core and from core to fringe. A simple but powerful concept that was built on the Multiple Jumping strategy framework. We introduced this concept in 2014. New innovative ideas often begin at the fringe of a company’s business. When it grows, it often would move into the core of the company and become the mainstream. In some cases, companies would reinvent its original core business to make it great again. At some other times, however, the importance of the original core will diminish and eventually become a fringe business. This can be an ongoing cycle that goes back and forth for many times. And therefore at heart it’s dynamic strategy with duality as its nature.

【今日语录】 9月23日

What is your Right-to-Win? 你凭什么赢?这是所有企业在考虑战略问题时必须回答的问题。你凭什么赢是靠你的与众不同和能足够防御竞争的一套能力(a set of differentiated and defensible capabilities). 这些能力可以自生亦可从生态伙伴中提取,但必须符合上述两个条件。许多企业或其咨询顾问缺乏严谨考量,没法将 Right-to-Win 正确地定义,以致战略无效。



企业战略里的一个核心问的问题是:”你凭什么赢?” (What is your Right-to-Win?” 即是你有什么独特的能力是比你的竞争对手更强的?㫫然,这是核心竞争力理论的延伸。在西方,特别在美国,企业领导者往往会从过去式来判断他们的能力在那里。在今天快速变化的时代裡,这当然是不足够的。关键不是你目前能力如何,而是你能在有限时空内通过什么方法来建立你的独特竞争优势。熟悉吗?这就是”战略第三条路” 的核心理念。What is your Right-to-Win?


【Quote of Today】 September 17th

The Resilient Organization. This organization is flexible enough to adapt quickly to external market shifts, yet it remains steadfastly focused on and aligned with a coherent business strategy. This forward-looking organization anticipates changes routinely and addresses them proactively. It attracts motivated team players and offers them not only a stimulating work environment, but also the resources and authority necessary to solve tough problems.





战略咨询与市场调研有着本质的差别。市调是找数据或信息,从下而上。战略咨询是解决难道,从上而下,再从下而上。往往几上几下才能找到答案。有市调背景或思维的必须将它 unlearn。 否则他/她必定不能做好战略咨询的工作。


有人说组织要像水,但水没有宏观架构,这样的组织有可能吗?应该说组织应该具有韧性调节的内在能力。它必须具有必要的柔性,同时亦需要必要的刚性。这是博斯艾伦组织 DNA 理论的核心。世上所有事物都是二元 Duality 的。

【Quote of Today】 August 16th

Innovations and entrepreneurship have become core to China’s culture. Young people from all over are trying to become successful. Many will fail and they know but a small number will make it. A small % of a large number is a large number. And the ones who make it will become role models for others.





Quote of Today (March 31)

In every consultant, there are bits of being a problem solver, a reporter and a process manager. The way these attributes manifest depends on the person. Most consultants believe they are problem solvers. In reality, lots are more inclined towards the latter two attributes.

Quote of Today (March 28)

“Like himan, organizations are driven by their subconsciousness. ‘Business as usual’ is the norm. That’s why many co’s can’t cope with today’s fast-changing environment. The leader’s job is to raise the level of consciousness of the organization so it’s fully alert.”

Quote of Today (March 27)

“The basic requirement of a qualified consultant is to excel in three types of leadership: Thought Leadership, Client Leadership and Team Leadership. Deficiency in any one of these dimensions would make a consultant incomplete.”

Quote of Today (March 22)

Everything in the world is a duality (underpinned by a union or non-duality). Sun and Moon. Yin and Yang. Order and Chaos. Intellect and Creativity. Strategy and organizations all manifest in terms of duality. The best problem solvers are those who are aware of this and can consciously balance the forces within the duality in a dynamic manner.”

Quote of Today (March 21)

With major disruptions taking place on both the demand and supply side epitomized by technological changes, massive market scale and gradual retorms, China has become the world’s leading business laboratory. The country has transcended its identity as a market or a manufacturing and supply base, it has become a definitive source of cutting edge intellectual capital on strategy and business. The radiation of that source to rest of the world will impact how executives, investors, academics and professionals expand their thoughts on businesses.

Quote of Today (March 20)

Organizations are consisted of people. While most people are disillusioned by what their mind tell them, the same thing happen in organizations but with a much bigger scale. This is what we call “organizational subconsciousness.” Left to its own course, this could be dangerous and could lead an organization to deprivation. The job of a leader is to lead the organization to build and sustain its “organizational mindfulness.”

Quote of Today (March 15)

Quantum physics tells us that the world is not entirely physical nor entirely deterministic. Same applies to organisations. While there are physical and deterministic aspects to an organization, there are also non-physical and probabilistic aspects. Leaders must understand this in totality and incorporate this understanding in leading an organization forward.


有人说:“我们已经不是咨询公司,而是伙伴公司。” 哦。正确的咨询是专业而不是生意;以客户的价值放在最重要的地位。咨询顾问与客户的关系是一种共生的关系,而不是一项买卖。所以咨询顾问就是客户的伙伴。咨询公司亦即等于伙伴公司。

Quote of Today (March 1)

Problem solving is both a leap and also iteratiions. It’s a leap because at all times, a consultant needs to have clear hypotheses of what the answers to the problem ought to be. However, the hypothesis by definition would evolve as the consultant gathers data and carries out analyses along the way. At any given point in time, the consultant needs to have a vision of what the end answer would be. Usually that vision is pretty blurred at the beginning but as data come in, it would become clearer. However, with more data, newer vision would emerge and that is often blurred. It will become clearer as more data come in. This cycle of iterations will go on for a number of times till an acceptable picture evolves. That picture may have some resemblance with the original hypotheses but often there are plenty of differences. Leaps and iterations are the intrinsics to first-principle problem solving.

Quote of Today (February 28)

For a long time, mainstream strategy thinking says a company should seek an advantaged position in their industry based on their core competences and that would be fine. End of story. Some people call this holy grail “Positioning.” But is it? Business is always dynamic. That a static positioning that can guarantee a long-term success doesn’t make much sense. This limitation is exemplified by the increasingly fast speed, high volatility and heightened uncertainty of the operating environment. And industry boundary is constantly being redefined. So today’s strategy must be dynamic in nature and should be based on a continuous balance between opportunities and capabilities; chaos and structure; self-built and collaborative partnerships. A corporate leader’s job is to ensure that the right balance can be made along the way with the right rhythm.

Quote of Today ( February 27)

As consultants conduct problem definition, they also need to go through the entire thought process to address the problem. Problem definition goes first but inevitably its process is somewhat iterative. Thought process development proceeds commensurate with the problem definition process. Without a complete and appropriate thought process up front, many consultants would waste their time along the way. Worst, ultimately they are not able to adequately resolve the client’s problem for the client.

Quote of Today ( February 26th)

Problem solving is done in two ways. The first is based on expertise or experience on addressing similar issues. The second is to resort to first principles, going back to ask the most fundamental questions regarding the problem on hand. In reality, actual problem solving includes a combination of both, but the balance may differ. Expertise or experienced based problem solving is typically more efficient but could become linear and in-imaginative. First principles problem solving is needed to address ambiguous and fluid issues but could take more time. A good problem solver can master both and knows under what conditions what ought to be the optimal balance between the two approaches ought to be. And, adjust along the way.

Quote of Today (February 25th)

Where there is “core”, there is also “fringe.” That’s one way of how duality manifests itself in companies. While for a long time – and still today – consulting firms and many academics advocate “focus” through “core competencies,” the rise of successful businesses like AWS have shown the power of “from fringe to core.” So while there is “core competence”, companies also need to understand the power of “fringe competence.” The two go hand in hand.

Quote of Today (February 14th)

The boundary of a company’s business is a function of opportunities versus the company’s capabilities. As such, it’s dynamic. Of course, one doesn’t change its business boundary every day; however, a mechanical “focus” approach that never adjusts one’s business boundary may also not be that appropriate. The job of the company leader is to know how to consciously evaluate the trade-offs between opportunities and one’s own capabilities and decide if one needs to “jump over” to grab the new opportunities or not. Capability gaps can be filled along the way through self built and/or collaborative partnerships through ecosystems.

Quote of Today ( February 11th)

Like individuals, every organization has a character. Or personality. More fundamentally, it’s about “Who are you?” Lots of companies put their “vision”, “mission” or “values” which are crafted in plagues in the most visible locations. But do people really believe in them and internalize them in their daily behavior? Often not. Many companies do not have a clear sense of who they really are. They let their subconsciousness lead their behavior and end up being disillusioned. And eventually lose their direction and are trapped.

Quote of Today ( January 29th)

All organizations consist of opposite forces. When there is black, there is also white. Same for yin and yang. And structure and chaos. But each of these forces won’t be able to manifest itself without the other. No one knows what black is without knowing what white is. And vice versa. Ultimately, what’s apparently opposite is actually one of the same. Or the Oneness. The job of the leader of any organization is to help the people to see through the illusion of the duality and get to the real core of the non-duality or the oneness. When an organization gets the notion of oneness, it’s consciousness will manifest and it will know what, how and how fast to navigate in the most natural way.

Quote of Today (January 23rd)

We often say we do “projects.”  More appropriately, however, we should say we undertake “engagements.”  Projects signify a transaction. Engagements stand for symbiotic relationship that goes on.  It stands for mutual commitment.  And the relationship extends beyond the contractual duration.

Quote of Today (January 18th)

Consulting should be non-hierarchical, collegial, meritocratic and team-based. Consulting is best conducted through conversations in which both consultants and clients engage in seeking truths. A good consultant is one who can lead the team and client in the discovery process from ambiguity to clarity, from unknown to known, from little logic to logical, and from little consensus to alignment. And ultimately enlightened client and team.

Quote of Today (January 17th)

Consulting is a marathon not a hundred meter dash. So consultants should pace themselves. Don’t kill yourself by keeping on dashing. Take time and relax. Sometimes get totally out of the rat race for a while. You will see your mind would work better that way. Also your health.

今日语录 (1月7日)

