新浪财经 | 谢祖墀:相反力量间的平衡

文 | 谢祖墀 高风咨询公司董事长



“在边缘上竞争”理论(Competing on the Edge)认为公司应根据市场及自身变化,不断调整组织结构形式。企业经营环境复杂多变,因此,战略管理最重要的是对变革进行管理,这主要表现在三个方面:一是对变革做出反应;二是对变革做出预测;三是领导变革,即走在变革的前面, 甚至是改变竞争的游戏规则。“在边缘上竞争”是指在行业边界改变的过程中,通过不断寻求新的战略目标及实现方法,动态地调整企业战略,优化组织结构,使其相互适应,在组织结构的“固定”和“松散”中达到平衡,寻求最佳模式并把握节奏。

我在博斯公司的前同事乔恩·卡森巴赫(Jon R. Katzenbach) 是一位组织设计方面的专家,他曾指出,组织内往往存在“软”“硬”两种力量,要达到“软”“硬”之间的平衡。任何企业运作时都存在正式和非正式两种组织。正式组织 (formal organization) 是大公司在发展过程中建立的管理结构,是规则、等级制度和绩效考核等要素的理性结合。在这种组织中,大多数高级管理人员都曾接受金融、技术、运营等“硬训练”,已经学会在正式组织中自如地工作,熟练使用组织结构图、流程图或平衡计分卡等有形工具。

相对的,非正式组织 (informal organization) 则是公司所有人文部分的结合,包括价值观、情感、表现行为、传言、文化标准,以及潜在的人际关系等,它们潜移默化地影响着每个企业。即便是最理性的经理人也必须承认,公司中的非正式组织能够产生巨大的影响力,尤其是在公司转型过程中,例如基层员工中意外涌现出领导者、业务单元迅速地进行自我更新和迭代等。但是,非正式组织也可能会产生一些负面影响,如暗中的反对者、焦虑和恐惧会阻碍工作推进等。


正式组织代表着组织的显意识,而非正式组织则代表着组织的潜意识。优秀的组织领导者十分懂得如何在保持和改进正式组织结构的同时,积极调动非正式组织,使两者保持同步。在领导能力方面,能够在追求高业绩的同时平衡正式和非正式举措的“跨越界线的领导”(leading outside the lines),往往最为关键。

在不同行业和环境的企业中,管理正式和非正式组织的方式也会有所不同。即便是倾向于非正式组织的管理者,要准确理解 “跨越界线的领导” 这一概念也十分困难。另一方面,习惯于正式组织的管理者在处理组织 “模糊” 部分时一般会不太适应,他们会将公司文化当成正式举措的副产物,认为只要有正确的汇报体系,员工自然会服从。同时,非正式组织往往需要花费大量时间在高频交流上,而忙碌的管理者们一般不愿意为此腾出时间。但事实上,如果他们愿意花时间建立关系,最终往往会节省很多时间,因为可以彼此理解的人们行动将更一致,非正式组织的力量可以使合作更加高效。

华为的任正非亦看到了这一点。《中外管理》2015 年5 月刊中一篇报道提到,华为2014 年已然登上了全球电信设备商的巅峰,而华为登顶也意味着转型。企业运势犹如走钢丝的平衡,那不是按照既定的模式或套路完成的,而是在混沌、颤抖中把握节律和平衡的实际体验,是很多尝试和失败的精华。人们或许会感觉到某些东西在那里,但它是难以捉摸的,更无法指出它,无法描述出它。任正非把这种状况叫做“灰度”。在某一次演讲中他提到:“坚定不移的正确方向来自灰度、妥协与宽容。一个清晰方向,是在混沌中产生的,是从灰色中脱颖而出,方向是随时间与空间而变的,它常常又会变得不清晰。并不是非白即黑、非此即彼。合理地掌握合适的灰度,是使各种影响发展的要素,在一段时间和谐,这种和谐的过程叫妥协,这种和谐的结果叫灰度。”这就是我们所推崇的 “在边缘上竞争” 的精髓。

美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)曾写到,“检验一流智力的标准, 就是在头脑中同时存在两种相反的想法但仍保持行动能力。”这种多面思考、直面复杂性和模糊性的能力以及矛盾和对抗的管理,是一种关键技能。加拿大多伦多大学商学院院长罗杰·马丁(Roger L. Martin)在《整合思维》(“The Opposable Mind”) 一书(2007 年出版)中亦提出,杰出的领导者应该 “有倾向和能力在脑海中共存两种或多种完全不同的想法”,并且 “不会简单的选择其中一个选项,而是冷静思考,综合相反的想法后得出更好的结论”。

马丁在书中强调了对于整合思维的领导者来说想象力的重要性,他们必须意识到,现有模式可能有完备的信息,但并不完美。整合思维的领导者在进行决策时会寻找多种假设,容忍并鼓励针锋相对的观点。 在遇到对立的想法时,他们不会选择其中一个想法,而是通过融合并超越现有想法,形成更具创造力的新的解决方案。







谢祖墀博士(Dr. Edward Tse)是高风管理咨询公司(Gao Feng Advisory Company)的创始人兼首席执行官。中国管理咨询业的先行者。过去的20年里,他创立并领导了两大国际管理咨询公司在大中华区的业务。外界评价他为“中国的全球领先商业战略家”和 “谢博士之于中国企业界就如大前研一之于日本企业界”。他曾为数以百计的公司(总部设在中国及其它地区)咨询过所有关键战略和管理方面的业务,涉及中国的各个方面和中国在全球的地位。他还为中国政府在战略、国有企业改革和中国企业走出国门等方面做过咨询。他已发表200多篇文章并出版了4本书,其中包括于国际获奖的《中国战略》和《创业家精神》。谢博士获得了加州大学伯克利分校工程学博士、MBA以及麻省理工学院的工程学学士、硕士。


China Daily | New Year Will be Marked by Change


By Edward Tse | China Daily Europe | Updated: 2016-12-30

Uncertainty will dog 2017 but it will be offset by immense opportunity

It has been a monumental year for Chinese companies’ overseas investments. The companies, as a group have become the world’s largest source of foreign direct investment. According to Bloomberg, as of Dec 8. Chinese cross-border merger and acquisition activity for the year reached $237.7 billion (227.6 billion euros; 194 billion) – including $63.9 bilion and $83.4 billion on US and European acquisitions respectively – a year-on-year increase of 186 percent.

If the past quarter of 2016 is a sign of what is to come in 2017, then Chinese outbound investments will likely face a much more complicated environment, with the new year likely to be one of more geographically diversified M&A coupled with a decline of overall M&A volume, especially in the early part of the year.

In November 2016, the Chinese government made a decision to restrict capital outflows by increasing the scrutiny of Chinese outbound acquisitions over $10 billion and acquisitions of over $1 billion that are unrelated to the “core business” of the Chinese buyers. At the same time, the government also singled out investment in certain industries, such as foreign entertainment, hotels, real estate, film, and professional sports, where there will be increased scrutiny.

These additional capital controls didn’t just affect Chinese firms. Foreign companies were surprised to discover that the amount of cash needing approval by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange to be remitted abroad dropped from $50 million to $5 million and that the entire process will take more time than it did previously.

The results of the US presidential election and the rise of political populism in a series of other countries, including many in Europe, are casting major uncertainty on global politics. Both domestic and foreign pressures will force Chinese companies to become smarter and more knowledgeable when it comes to their global M&A goals and strategies.

How relations between the United States and China will evolve once Donald Trump becomes president remains highly uncertain and difficult to predict. There seems to be a prevailing political wind against further Chinese acquisitions of US companies, given the background of Trump’s major campaign controversies related to China throughout his presidential campaign.

It remains to be seen what awaits Chinese investors in the US in 2017, but a highly likely scenario is one in which it will be more difficult for Chinese acquisitions to get approval from the US government in sectors the government deems sensitive or potentially involved with national security. However, for the other sectors, one would be hard-pressed to imagine why and how the US government would not welcome Chinese investment.

A case in point is Fuyao Glass, which is investing $1 billion in the US, including a $500 million investment in Ohio to build the world’s largest automotive glass plant.

According to Cao Dewang, Fuyao’s chairman, the decision to invest in the US was based on analysis comparing the economics of producing glass in the US and in China. He concluded that it is in fact cheaper to produce in the US. By building a plant there, Fuyao’s investment would create between 2,500 to 3,000 local jobs. And job creation in the US, particularly in the blue-collar segment in the US rust belt, is a priority for the country.

Europe will probably continue in some form of economic stagnation in 2017. It may follow the US in policy-setting regarding Chinese businesses in some areas (China’s non-market-economy status, for example), but it may also decide to strike out on its own path in areas where it feels there would be tangible benefits to its member countries.
We expect Chinese companies to continue their interest in acquiring European companies – to gain access to necessary and more advanced technologies, for market access, or for bringing the acquired companies to the China market as part of business expansion.

The greatest risk for Chinese investors looking at European opportunities in 2017 will be an increase in local populism. European populism will be a wild card in 2017 that could cause Chinese companies seeking acquisition opportunities to be suddenly shut down by European leaders to satisfy their own citizens and fend off attacks from political rivals.
When Brexit becomes a reality in 2017, the United Kingdom will likely feel more vulnerable and possibly drive the UK government and its companies to cooperate more with their Chinese counterparts.

Already since the referendum, the pound sterling has depreciated quite a bit, from its high of 1:1.47 USD in May to 1:1.24 USD at its lowest to date in December, making the price of UK assets cheaper relative to the USD and RMB. This presents Chinese investors with opportunities to find good deals such as those found in British real estate investments.

As China looks at the world, there is clearly ample space beyond the US and Europe. In the past several years, China has stepped up its effort to play a more visible and influential role in international governance and geopolitics. The Belt and Road Initiative, though still nascent, is an ambitious and multinational program that could open up opportunities for Chinese and non-Chinese companies. Some of these initiatives can be huge and will take some time to materialize, if at all, but for the moment, good momentum is being generated.

We expect to see a higher degree of Chinese M&A activities in the countries along the Belt and Road. I recently visited Manila in the Philippines and met with a number of senior business executives. There was quite a high degree of interest from the Filipino business community regarding Chinese companies’ investment in their country.

This coincides with the renewed, improved diplomatic relationship between China and the Philippines – and, after all, the Philippines is also strategically located at the beginning of the Maritime Silk Road.

Of course, the Philippines is not the US or Europe. Nonetheless, it is an example of where Chinese investments are very much welcome.

We also expect more investment from Chinese companies along other parts of the land and maritime Silk Roads, and it will come not only from Chinese state-owned enterprises but also from private companies. Africa, in particular, could see a step-up in such activities, as many African countries need more and better infrastructure, and some of them are rich in resources that China desires. Strategically, China also sees Africa as an important ally.

Certainly, 2017 will bring uncertainties. In some cases, the Chinese companies’ overseas buying spree may be dampened, but in other cases it will probably happen with even more speed and intensity.

Economic nationalism will manifest in different ways across different countries. There will be a dampening of acquisitions in selected sectors, yet globalization and regional development will be intensifying in their own ways, and progress will continue.
Though a year of uncertainty, 2017 will also be a year of change – and for some, the uncertainty will be related to the immense opportunities.

Dr. Edward Tse is founder and CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Co, a global strategy and management consulting firm with roots in China. He is also the author of China’s Disruptors (Portfolio, 2015).

新浪财经 | 谢祖墀:跨界激活的创新战略

文 | 谢祖墀 高风咨询公司董事长



跨界激活往往不是传统战略规划的的结果,而是综合行业环境、时机、判断力产生的。企业必须建立适当的机制、意识和文化。领导者在其中的作用非常重要,他必须提供适当的指导和思维方式, 在组织内建立一种共同的积极探索未知的价值观。创新常常来自于传统行业与新兴科技的结合处,如OLED,正是抓住传统LCD显示屏图像质量不够精细的痛点,结合石墨烯等新型技术应声而成。



特斯拉作为豪华电动车的领军企业,其成立之初专注研发电动车,2017年初由Tesla Motors(特斯拉汽车)更名为Tesla(特斯拉)。从这举动及其公司愿景“加速全球向可持续能源的转变”中,我们不难看出特斯拉不满足于现有汽车业务,而致力于成为世界级新能源企业的野心。特斯拉不仅陆续推出家庭电能储存系统和太阳能屋顶方案等家庭新能源解决方案,其经营也从生产外包转变为内部生产零部件,如Gigafactory生产电池、自主生产无人驾驶相关的软硬件等。此转型过程十分利于特斯拉发现跨界激活机会,其中一个例子便是其玻璃横跨行业的应用(图一)。

特斯拉2016年初在加州霍桑成立新玻璃材料研发部门Tesla Glass,这一部门直接向公司首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk) 汇报。该部门的产品首次亮相于2016年11月特斯拉与Solarcity 关于太阳能瓦片的联合发布会上。这款玻璃为传统汽车玻璃与太阳能板跨界激活的产物,大量运用传统玻璃技术,具有重量轻、硬度强、隔热性好等优势,与电池板、透光膜组合置于屋顶可为房屋提供能源。同时,Tesla Glass 与电动车业务结合,为2017 年特斯拉新车型Model 3 设计更为耐用、更好控制车内温度的玻璃车顶。此外鉴于Model 3 将不配备仪表盘,外界推测车前挡风板HUD(汽车抬头显示系统)也将由Tesla Glass 提供。由传统玻璃与太阳能、电动车等行业的跨界激活为特斯拉带来了远超其竞争者的研发优势,巩固了其市场地位。

谷歌主营业务仍为搜索及广告业务,80% 的盈利来自于此。然而自2015年8月调整组织架构并设立母公司Alphabet 以来,谷歌一直努力由搜索引擎公司向覆盖多领域的高科技公司转型,并将其业务重点转向人工智能 (AI) 开发。公司首席执行官 Sundar Pichai 于2016 年10 月在发布会上表示, 过去10年谷歌一直致力于建立移动为先的世界, 加强手机对生活的远程控制;接下来的10年则转向建设AI 为先的世界,将计算普遍运用于家庭、公司、汽车等多种场合。

2011年谷歌成立AI 部门,相关研发工作与现有搜索业务并列,均由John Giannandrea 负责,由此可见谷歌对AI 研发的重视。AI 的应用极为广泛, 且可与其他传统业务结合,是谷歌跨界激活新业务的入口。目前谷歌已有超过100个团队使用AI中的机器学习技术,如AI 与可穿戴设备结合产生的Google Glass 及AR/VR 设备,与人机交互(如围棋)交叉产生的AlphaGo,等等。未来谷歌还将实现AI、大数据与智能家居的无缝连接,实现万物互联互通。在传统汽车方面,谷歌计划通过已有的AI 优势开发全方位的无人驾驶方案,目标无人车将实现完全自动化,不需人为干预。在这些例子中, 谷歌将AI 与其他业务融合,开拓多领域机会、扩大业务布局,为公司带来了创新产品及增长点。


在创新方面,传统的线性思维方式和静态、以” 定位论”为主的战略部署方式已经过时。单纯垂直和所谓的“以能力驱动”的聚焦论已不能使企业激发澎湃的创新思潮和机会。在不断变化的经营环境中,非线性、多维立体并能够在混沌与有序之间不断作出动态平衡思考的跨界激活战略更能为企业提供有效的指数型创新。不单是西方的特斯拉和谷歌在跨界创新,在可见的将来我们会见到更多来自中国的创新企业如阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度、华为等发展出他们独特的创新哲学,值得全球企业学习。


谢祖墀博士(Dr. Edward Tse)是高风管理咨询公司(Gao Feng Advisory Company)的创始人兼首席执行官。中国管理咨询业的先行者。过去的20年里,他创立并领导了两大国际管理咨询公司在大中华区的业务。外界评价他为“中国的全球领先商业战略家”和 “谢博士之于中国企业界就如大前研一之于日本企业界”。他曾为数以百计的公司(总部设在中国及其它地区)咨询过所有关键战略和管理方面的业务,涉及中国的各个方面和中国在全球的地位。他还为中国政府在战略、国有企业改革和中国企业走出国门等方面做过咨询。他已发表200多篇文章并出版了4本书,其中包括于国际获奖的《中国战略》和《创业家精神》。谢博士获得了加州大学伯克利分校工程学博士、MBA以及麻省理工学院的工程学学士、硕士。