
文 | 谢祖墀








1. 政府将在全国范围内加大投入,创造一个更安全、更健康的生活环境。

2. 在公共卫生领域,早发现、早预防、早诊断和更有效的治疗将成为关注的焦点,而更为全面的公共卫生管理体系也将得到良好的发展。



5. 数字化与大数据在公共管理方面的应用将被大幅提高。

6. 新的社会沟通方式将涌现。尽管人与人之间的沟通仍是主流,其他交互形式如人机交互、机间交互将在未来获得指数式的增长。

7. 在过去几十年中,中国的企业家精神和创新能力一直不断上升,这些仍将进一步加速解决在此次新型冠状病毒疫情危机期间暴露出的各类社会和商业痛点。











HSM | Why Chinese are Workaholic?

By Edward Tse
January 2020

Gao Feng Advisory’s CEO Dr. Edward Tse’s article was published in his regular column on Brazil’s HSM Management Magazine in January 2020 issue. In this article, Dr. Tse discusses the “working hard” culture of the Chinese businesses.

English Version

After decades of tremendous growth, China is now an upper-middle-income nation, according to the World Bank. Its reputation as an innovative economy is increasing. Along with its economic growth, China’s productivity too has been growing well.

The growth of China’s productivity during the last few decades is mainly due to the opening-up and reform policy implemented from 1978 onwards, its labor intensive exports driven manufacturing and investment-led growth model underpinned this extraordinary progress. Yet some strains associated with that approach have become evident in the last one decade or so as these economic drivers seem to be running out of steam.

China stepped into the innovation wave after the wireless internet (together with smart phones) became prevalent. Chinese entrepreneurs have leveraged this technology to create a range of new business models and products that cater to the evolving consumer and business needs. In the race against time and in the midst of hyper-intensive competition, Chinese entrepreneurs have to be fast, agile and adaptive in order to remain ahead of others. They often don’t mind using the market as a test bed for experimentation as they fine-tune their business models along the way. Quick experimentation often becomes the core part of the very culture of Chinese companies. Speed, rhythm, intensity and multi-tasking have become parts of the DNA of many Chinese companies. On top of this, evolving government policies and regulations are often a source of uncertainty and they keep Chinese entrepreneurs persistently and highly alert and vigilant.

As a result, many Chinese businesses have formed a culture of “working hard.” This is the now widely known as “996” schedule – which means working from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. This has become common place among Chinese entrepreneurs, particularly among large internet-based businesses. The 996 schedule was initially applied in order to improve overall productivity of companies by increasing working hours.

Source: Baidu

However, the notion of “996” has become somewhat controversial. Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma is a vocal supporter of the gruelling working hours commonplace in China’s tech and internet industry. He once said at an internal meeting that this is, “a huge blessing that many companies and employees do not have the opportunity to have,” according to a transcript published on Alibaba’s official WeChat account. Richard Liu, CEO of JD.com, a leading e-commerce company, responded to the recent layoffs saying that JD.com would never force employees to work in a 995 or 996 schedule, but every staff of JD.com must “have a competitive spirit!”

Besides the 996 schedule, many Chinese companies, including both state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and privately-owned enterprises (POEs), are actively seeking multiple ways of improving productivity. More and more companies, especially SOEs and some internet companies, are beginning to provide free meals to their employees in order to reduce the amount of time spent on purchasing and eating meals. Moreover, employees’ dormitories and free buses are also being offered as perks to simplify the lives of employees and make sure they can get to work on time. In some companies, a military-style management has also been deployed to improve the efficiency and productivity of their staff’s work.

The “working hard” culture of the Chinese businesses probably won’t go away any time soon.

How Would China’s Businesses be Affected by the Coronavirus?

Source: Baidu

These days, the news is dominated by the impact of the Coronavirus and how China is coping with this latest shock. Consumer demand for goods and services is declining in China; sectors such as retail, travel and leisure are the most directly impacted as businesses have closed or are semi-closed throughout the country. The Coronavirus has challenged China, exposing some crucial gaps, but it will also potentially create new opportunities. Attention will be focused on improving China’s entire public agenda, not only one or two vertical areas.

In the aftermath of the crisis, one would expect China’s governance system to become more transparent and there will be more accountability. In order to ensure its public agenda is advanced properly, a lot more effort and resources will need to be put in by the central government as well as local governments at the provincial, city and township levels. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and non-state-owned enterprises, including both Chinese privately-owned enterprises (POEs) and foreign companies, will be able to better leverage their respective strengths and capabilities. As a case in point, two new specialized hospitals were built in Wuhan – one in 10 days and one in 14 – through the combined efforts of SOEs, POEs and foreign companies. That was quite a feat.

Comprehensive data has always been collected throughout China and surveillance too, was prevalent, and yet China wasn’t able to fully track those who might have contracted the virus. In the aftermath, surveillance and monitoring will become even more important for ensuring their utility for the people.

China’s socioeconomic pattern is also changing as consumer behavior shifts and technology continues to develop. Consumption is shifting increasingly from offline to online. New commercial applications of technologies such as 5G, AI and IoT are also developing faster because of the epidemic. We will see innovative business models and changes in the ways that humans interact with each other and with machines in the future.

Source: Baidu

What trends could possibly drive future business opportunities in the aftermath of the Coronavirus?

1. A major nationwide effort would be made towards creation of a safer and more health-conscious living environment.

2. For public health: early detection, prevention, advanced treatment, and diagnostics would receive much more attention and a more comprehensive public health management system would evolve.

3. There would be more Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Collaboration between private and public sectors to create solutions addressing public agenda issues going forward.

4. The development of a more ubiquitous, connected and intelligent society will accelerate, leveraging new disruptive technologies such as IoT, AI, 5G and blockchain.

5. Big data will become even more prevalent with more data sharing across the board for more effective public agenda management.

6. A rise of new modes of interactions will be imminent. Although human-to-human touchpoints will still remain, other forms of interactions, such as human-to-machine and machine-to-machine will grow exponentially.

7. While entrepreneurship and innovation have already been rising in China over the last several decades, they would further accelerate going forward for addressing the pain points that were exposed during the Coronavirus crisis.

The virus has exposed China’s many problems and created challenges. In the short run, it has added more uncertainty to businesses operating in and with China from manufacturing, supply chain and consumer demand perspectives. In the medium to longer-run, we can expect a huge potential shift as China re-invents itself, making the improvement of its public agenda management a top priority. Collaborations across governments, SOEs, POEs and foreign companies to foster synergies, while at the same time, new consumer patterns and innovative use of technology and business models will come along.

谢祖墀 | 超越数字转型



在2018年的微软Ignite会议上,微软CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)提出了“科技强度”(Technology Intensity)的概念。他认为对于企业而言,数字转型和云技术必不可少,且一部分头部的企业已超越了基础技术,采用了较尖端的科技进行创新并开发独特的新型解决方案,从而赋予自己新的竞争优势。我们所熟知的大众汽车(Volkswagen)、联合利华(Unilever)、万事达卡(Mastercard)等皆是如此。

科技强度涉及两个方面:第一,每个组织都必须迅速地采用前沿的技术;第二,他们需要建立自己独特的数字化能力。科技强度以这样的一个等式来表达:(科技采用率)^(科技实力)=科技强度 [(tech adoption) ^ tech capabilities = tech intensity]。







一些学术研究的结果说明了技术强度是组织成功的主要驱动力。美国波士顿大学的詹姆士·贝森(James Bessen)对关于是什么使顶尖公司超越了竞争对手进行了广泛的研究。他的结论是,建立专有技术是决定性因素,有助于显著提高生产率。


在过去的200年里,国家之间出现了巨大的收入贫富差距。经济学家们,特别是美国达特茅斯学院的迭戈·科明(Diego Comin)教授指出,造成这种差距的主要原因是一个国家在使用新技术时的“使用强度”。科明教授将“使用强度”定义为某一种技术在进入一个国家后渗透到民众中的强度。该定义与我们对组织“科技强度”的认知紧密相关。随着时间的推移,技术渗透率或“使用强度”更高的国家将更容易建立自己的技术。这使政府能够为其国民提供更好的服务,使这些国家的大型企业更具竞争力,使中小型企业和企业家提高他们的生产力。



